There's No Place Like Home
Year 2
The home should be designed as a personal experience, curated for each individual. The message that should be conveyed is that the things you fill a home with are what make the home. Every home is a collection of artefacts displaying experiences throughout ones life, when collected together in one place (the home itself) become another experience entirely. The experiences of the artist inspired the artefacts in the exhibit, and each visitor can connect an experience in their life to at least one of those artefacts. “There’s No Place Like Home” evokes the message that we all have our own experiences, but those experiences can mimic or overlap with anybody connecting us all.
The objects used in this exhibit came from the Sheridan College Graduate Art Awards, 2021
*Softwares and techniques used include: Hand Drawing, Autocad, Sketchup, Vray, Photoshop, Indesign, Illustrator, Sigma